If you are not yet registered for CHI:
Registration link: https://www.cvent.com/events/chi-2019/registration-ddfd707b3df64a53a23c1d382967b3a3.aspx?r=c4516950-1639-4823-8480-84ae98794905&fqp=true
- Proceed to Optional Items page
- Select your workshop or symposia from
dropdown list and click next at the bottom of the page - Enter AccessSym06 in the code box
If you are adding a workshop or symposium to your existing registration:
Link to revise your registration: https://www.cvent.com/Events/Register/RegNumConfirmation.aspx?e=ddfd707b-3df6-4a53-a23c-1d382967b3a3
- Select “Already Registered” (have your confirmation number handy)
- Click “Modify” and then on the next screen, “Modify Registration”
- Proceed as above.
Registration problem?
Contact chiregistration[at]executivevents.com, we’re here to help!
*Please change “[at]” to “@”.